Hey There!
It's me Kayt aka the owner, dreamer, maker and mom behind Briar and Sphinx.
We started out on Facebook as Kayts Crochet back in 2012. I loved crocheting all of those fun patterns and sewing the huge fur pompoms and flowers but as we kept having boys, I knew my styles were going to have to change. A couple years in, I had bought my first laser to make patches for my crochet hats. I could only justify the cost by ensuring I would use it to make other things as well but what? Quite frankly, I had no idea. I wanted to create something that even my husband would wear but lets be honest, the classic pine tree hat with the big fur pom was not the ticket for my 6'5 outdoorsy Carhart wearing man and unfortunately for me, our 6-year-old had already started to outgrow mom's hat style as well.
One day for family photos I realized my husband who can't go a day without a hat, didn't have a matching one for our yearly family photo shoot. I decided to cover the logo of an old work one he never wore with a super simple design on an engraved leather patch, and I was hooked. I started searching high and low for the best quality and shape hats for men, woman and kiddos but let's face it not very many companies make hats for babies under 1.
Luckily after many attempts, I finally connected with our manufacturer who actually produced what we were looking for and worked with my minimum quantities request. We finally had matching trucker hats for the whole family that I could put any patch on. Then to the question--What was I going to put on them?
I loved creating mountain and tree designs for my family. There was something so dang cute about having all my boys match dad but Braxton, our freshly turned 4 year old wasn't loving it. He only wanted a square with his name on his hat. I gave in and because of the look on his face when he got to wear his name hat, I decided to add a listing to our Etsy shop.
Since then, we've been able to add embroidery, full color printing and even temporary tattoos for business logos and brick and mortar shops.
Between the grace of God, sleepless nights working and AMAZING support, we have been able to grow and continue to add styles, colors and fits.
Since we have outgrown our crawlspace storage and kitchen table shipping, all items are customized and shipped out of our workshop in Ennis, Mt.